Register to join Alzheimer Europe's Public Involvement activities
The Public Involvement Pool (PI Pool) is for people with or at risk of dementia, anyone with cognitive difficulties, informal carers and members of the public who are interested in providing their experiences, perspectives and concerns about dementia-related research or other dementia-related issues. Members of the PI Pool must be residing in an EU country or in another European-region country such as the UK, Iceland, Norway or Israel. Please, note that all communication will be in English. Your English does not need to be perfect but you must be able to understand and communicate in English. Health/social care professionals, researchers and students are not eligible to join because the goal of the PI Pool is to ensure that the voices of lay people, specifically from the afore-mentioned groups, are heard by those groups.
To register for the Alzheimer Europe PI Pool, please read the terms and conditions of Alzheimer Europe's General Privacy Policy, confirm your acceptance of them and provide the following information: